Contact addresses

Oblast Opava Oblast Opava Oblast Karviná Ostrava Oblast Nový Jičín Oblast Nový Jičín Oblast Frýdek - Místek Jasenná

Registered office

Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s.

Address : 28. října 1235/169, Mariánské Hory, 709 00 Ostrava
ID : 45193665
VAT ID : CZ45193665
Call centre: 840 111 123
Emergency service: 840 111 125
Fax : +420 596 624 205
Email : [email protected] 
Data mailbox : 4xff9pv

The company is entered in the Commercial Register kept at the Regional Court of Ostrava, Section B, File 347

Customer Centre and Business Points


The North Moravia and Silesia:

SmVaK Ostrava supplies the drinking water to public water systems in Ostrava, Studénka, Hlučín, Hranice, in Jastrzębie – Zdrój (Poland) and in some other towns and villages. SmVaK Ostrava operates more than 80 water plants for towns and villages in the region.

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